There’s an old adage that says, If you see a turtle on top of a fence post, you know it didn’t get there by itself. Of course, you’re likely to readily realize that’s a metaphor for none of us reaches the pinnacle of success by ourselves. It takes a village. Working in synergy within community is the best way to go.
That is the very formula we have utilized at G3Law since our inception on15 May 2000. Collegiality. Teamwork. No one person is more important than any other: We are all in this together.
Mutual respect and dignity rules at G3Law where empowerment is effected through carefully seeking a teammate’s thoughts on a particular topic is always valued. Which is the very reason why I always take one of my trusted paralegals with me to trials, depositions, and mediations, with a thorough debriefing after each event. And which is a main reason why we have enjoyed such resounding success on behalf of recovering justice for our injured clients.
So, as we at G3 Law approach the end of our 24th year together and head toward our silver anniversary as a law firm dedicated to service above and beyond the call of duty, to treating you as we would want to be treated if in your shoes, we expect even greater success when continuing to combine our Golden Rule respect for our injured clients with 2 ½ decades of legal experience.That’s a compelling reason to contact us should you need to seek justice over being wrongfully injured in an automobile accident.