Where Does Tennessee Rank in Traffic Fatalities

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Traffic fatalities in the United States have been on a disturbing rise for the past few years, and Tennessee is not excluded from this trend. In fact, according to estimates for 2016 from the National Safety Council, Tennessee ranks 11th in the country for most traffic fatalities, after an eight percent increase from 2015. Even as technology creates more safety features, these statistics are rising across the board.

Why is This Happening?

It depends on who you ask. There are a number of opinions on why the state of traffic fatalities is what it is, and the truth is probably some combination of the potential factors.

  • Americans (and Tennesseans) are driving more than before. It’s natural that increased traffic fatalities would be a result. The problem with this theory is that the rise isn’t proportional. Deaths per miles driven are increasing at a greater rate than the actual miles driven.
  • Smartphones, aside from providing the option to call or text friends and loved ones, now include more distracting apps than ever. While cars and phones do offer some hands-free options as part of their safety features, the allure of checking social media is still too great for some.
  • A leniency in enforcing regulations on seatbelts, drunk driving and speeding creates an atmosphere where motorists feel more comfortable flouting the law in a way that can be deadly.

What Can I Do?

Not only is this a Tennessee problem, but it’s also a specifically East Tennessee problem. Each grand division should theoretically account for a third of Tennessee traffic fatalities. East Tennessee accounts for nearly 37 percent. While crashes are generally concentrated in the Memphis and Nashville metropolitan areas in the other divisions, they’re more spread out across East Tennessee.

This means you should be aware of the realities of traffic fatalities, regardless of whether you’re in a city or not and regardless of whether you drive or not. These accidents too frequently affect innocent bystanders, but there are things you can do to fight against this growing trend.

  • Don’t be distracted. If you drive, never lose sight of the fact that you are operating a huge piece of machinery that demands all your attention. Shut your phone off if need be and focus on getting from point A to point B. What you do when driving affects more than just you.
  • Drive defensively. Unfortunately, it’s not enough to make sure you drive safely and follow all the laws. It’s not a given that other drivers will do the same, so it becomes part of your responsibility to anticipate the unexpected while you’re out on the road.

Understanding the root of a problem and taking steps to address it won’t fix things overnight. They are important steps, though, and if Tennesseans (and Americans as a whole) are to reverse the trend of increased traffic fatalities, it will begin with an attempt to understand the problem and the baby steps to solve it. Do whatever you can to make the roads safer for everyone out there.

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