Sizable Settlement Helps Local Victim Recover from Loss of Job After Motorcycle Accident

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For motorcycle owners, driving brings a whole extra set of safety concerns and hazards. Local mechanic, James Wright, knew that. According to reports and statements made by those involved, the 26-year-old was traveling Southbound on Alcoa Highway in Knox County, Tennessee when he was struck by a motor vehicle. Unknowing of what was in store for him that day, Wright was riding lawfully in his lane when a female driver turning off Montlake Drive onto Alcoa Highway failed to yield to the flow of oncoming traffic. The two collided and left Wright with substantial injuries to his hip and foot.

From the incident, Wright sustained a metatarsal fracture, transverse acetabular fracture, great toe fracture, and second toe dislocation. Because the defendant failed to obey traffic controls, Wright was had no comparative fault in the incident. However, due to his inability to work for a lengthy period, Wright lost his job and grew concerned about how he was going to support himself. That’s where we stepped in.


Mr. Wright knew he needed to take action and attend to his sudden loss of income. A simple Google search led him to G3 Help Me, where he found the information and help he desperately needed. Wright felt that G3 was the right fit for him based on the compassion and understanding expressed in countless online reviews and reputation testimonies from past clients.

Wright made an informed decision to meet with the G3 team and discuss his options. The team sympathized with his situation and assured him that they would do everything in their power to help with the loss of income. As a result, the case between Wright and the defendant was settled and did not have to go to court- a blessing for all parties involved. Thanks to G3 Help Me, Wright received a monetary settlement of $150,000 that lifted a huge burden off his shoulders and allowed him to take the time he needed to fully heal from the accident.

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